Even this award has been 14 days ago, but you know. I'm sorryyy e_e
I got this award from Romaisa and I thank her sincerely <3
So here are my 7:
1. I have swingy moods, it happens like almost weekly.
2. The only coleslaw I like is KFC's, not even my mom's lol.
Oh god, I don't like this :L i have to think of five more, yarab lol
3. I don't read specific genres in books, I don't even think of what genre is the book i'm reading, I just read lol. Mostly recommendations.
4. I wanted to learn guitar when I was younger, but I lost hope in convincing my dad so meh, yeah I no more think of it lol
5. But now I wanna learn the drums, they're soo cooooolll!
6. I watch too much cartoons
7. I want to live on a star
The blogs I tag:
I promise i'll fill you with how my life has been before Ramadan, inshaallah inshallah inshallah.
Rahma Fateen
Rahma Fateen
Congratulations, baby, and thanks a lot. :D
Thank you for the tag <3
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