
Thursday, November 4, 2010

loooong day

today was a long day, you know when its 9 am and you feel its like 4 pm or sth!
it was like that, it was full of events and I totally enjoyed, alhamdulillah
first of all it was a very long, boring day at school and then we stayed after school to help in organizing the parents meeting I got tired from guiding the parents, I felt as if they don't know anything in anything!
I was also so tired of going up and down 4 floors with parents to show them the way to the teachers.
It was a mess!
then after that, we went to the club I enjoyed a little :)
we were supposed to leave the club at 7 then my brother told my dad that his practice will still start at 7 30 so we sat until 9 and  my friend Zeina came sat with me then after her came Nancy, Salma and Yasmine
It was a long, tiring day but it was fun!

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