
Monday, December 31, 2012


أنا الصمت. 

أنا الصمت والسكوت 

أنا اللي أكلتوني أكل التوت 

واحترفتوني والناس بتموت 

أنا الصمت اللي حالل على الكبير و الصغير 

أنا هخًليك ندمان لمًا تدًير 

وتسأل نفسك "أنا ليه سكت؟" 

أنا ليه سكت لما شفت أخويا بيموت؟ 

أنا ليه سكت لما شفت الخراب ومليته سكوت؟ 

أنا ليه سكت لما شفت الصح وسبته لنفسي؟ 

أهي نفسي دي أخرتها 

وقت مش هيكون فيه سكوت 

Rahma Fateen

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

الطريقة الأكثر انتشاراً في تفعيل الارادة

**كل ما ستقرأه نابذ عن خبرة شخصية متواضعة والتي سببت لي الضيق في حياتي حتى اكتشفتها, فكتبت حتى لا يعيش غيري في ضيق مثلما عشت. مع التواضع الشديد. 

يمكن أن لا تتفق معي, لكن هذا رأيي 

أنا بستغرب أوي الأهالي (مع احترامي الشديد لهم, هم اللي ربونا وهم دايما صح والرغي دة) اللي بيجبروا أولادهم على حاجة. يعني هم فاكرين انهم لما يجبروهم على حاجة يبقى خلاص اقتنعو وهيفضلو متمسكين بيها؟! ياما بنسمع حكاوي عن بنات بتقلع الحجاب علشان مقتنعتش بيه من الأول. ان كان أهلها أجبروها عليه أو لأ. بس أشك, ان لو واحدة عرفت سبب ان ربنا فرض الحجاب وايه اللي بيحصل للبنات في الشوارع , جربتها أو شافت مواقف ولبست الحجاب انها هتقلعه تاني!! 

أي حاجة وحشة في الحياة عمرنا ما هنتجنبها غير لما نخاف منها, أو نعرف أضرارها. وفي ناس مش بتقتنع غير لما تجرب. ايه المشكلة في دة؟! مش بعد ما يجربوا هيطلعو مقتنعين من جواهم ان دة غلط وممكن يقنعوا الناس كمان؟! 

في النقطة دي بستغرب أوي الناس المش بتحب تسمع عن يوم القيامة والنار. أهو حاجة زي كدة مفيش حاجة اسمها نجرب العذاب ونرجع تاني علشان نحًرم؟! مش دة اللي هيقولو الكفار لما يشوفوا العذاب؟! 

أدام كدة, يبقى مفيش حل غير اننا نسمع عنها ونخاف. 

احنا بنسمع عن الجنة وعايزنها, زي بالظبط اللي بيسمع عن الحياة من غير سجاير وأد ايه مفيهاش مشاكل كتير. لكن زي ما بنسمع عن أضرار شرب السجاير, لازم بردو نسمع عن عواقب الحاجات اللي بنعملها في الدنيا والعذاب بتاعها علشان نخاف. نخاف نعمل الحاجة دي ونتعلم بعد كدة اننا منعملش الحاجة دي. 

-مثلا, انا ياما الناس قالتلي ان لازم أقول دعاء دخول الحمام وأد ايه هو مهم وبناخد عليه حسنات. عمري ما كنت بقوله!! مقلتوش غير لما قالولي ان الجن عايشيين فيه وخوفوني من الجن وخفت فعلا و بكدة بدأت أقول الدعاء! 

أنا أعتقد ان زي ما بنواجه الحلو في الحياة لازم نواجه الشر, زي ما بنسمع عن الخير لازم نسمع عن الشر. في حاجات مش هينفع نجربها, يبأة نسمع عنها كتير. نسمع عن قصص ناس جربتها وهم بيقولو ايه عنها وأد ايه هما ندمانين. في ناس مش بيدخل في مخهم غير حاجات واقعية مش زي الphysics كدة حاجات مش بتتشاف! وبردو كل واحد حسب مدخله, لو حد بيقتنع عادي لما يتقاللو الحاجات الحلوة, في الحالة دي مش هيكون في داعي نعرفه بالوحش علشان ميتأثرش. بس دة لما نكون عارفين المدخل, لو مش عارفين, نعرضه لكل حاجة علشان يتعلم. :"اللي بيتلسع من النار بينفخ في الزبادي" 

وكما قلت أنا:" الشارع المنغير مطبات, شارع مليان حوادث" 

Rahma Fateen

Saturday, December 22, 2012


When I talk with my friends about celebrities, (singers mostly) I really feel so sad for them. They don't get that they're being played with like stupid people and they don't give themselves a chance to think.
First of all, those celebs live in a whole different continent, you gotta be SO LUCKY to only meet them. Not to mention the whole different culture and environment they live in, so the odds are not in your favor if you think you'll actually marry them while there are million other brainwashed people who believe the same.
This  leads to another question,
You know that, why do you love them?
-Good looking? There are lotsa other good looking guys out there with a luckier chance.
-Good voice? Listen to their songs, great, then what?
I mean if I fell in love with people cuz of their voices  i'd be in love with half the people I met. It's not really something to love people for.
When I start arguing about it, they talk about the thing that mainly made me write this.

"They do charity work!"

That's how easily they're fooled? Charity work?
Well, if their intentions were really pure (allahu a'alam) they wouldn't have said about it everywhere 'blah blah donates 3 million $ to a 7 year old with cancer' and stuff like that. Like charity is supposed to be a normal thing with billionaires. Even our religion said that we ought to do charity work, whats so special about them?

Something else, haven't they noticed who they donate to? Kids with cancer. Most likely they know them one way or another.
Why kids? Why cancer? Why not Gaza? Why not Somalia? Why not Africa? Why not Pakistan? No one noticed anything?


Yess.. everyone has feels for innocent kids who have diseases of no cure. Everyone will feel sorry for them anyway.

It's really sick knowing that for a second we thought they were great people.
Way many people started from nothing and followed their dreams to become something important. It's no big deal. Yeah they did sacrifice and faced many problems, but again, it's not a reason to madly love someone.
or what do you think?

Leading to something else. "Their personality is so nice!" LOL DIES
Baah, how many years have you lived with them to say that? From interviews? Isn't there something called acting? Like acting to be something they're not? It's not a hard thing, you know.

I don't mean offending anyone. Love is an uncontrollable thing, and kol wa7ed 7orr. But at least, you have to admit that they are just deceiving you and consider the fact that they're playing with your mind.
Thank you.
Rahma Fateen

Monday, December 17, 2012


**تنبيه هام: هذا العنوان لا يمط بما تحته بأي صلة, وكما يقول المثل: "القلقاس راجل خباس, يمشي بين الناس فيحتاس." فأنا الان كالقلقاس محتاسة وهذة بعض الأفكار اللي  فجأة لقيت ايدي بتكتبها. 
الحياة أبسط مما تتخيلو لدرجة اننا ممكن نقول كل حاجة بلا أو نعم.

لا و نعم.
·         لأ دة مش  على الدستور
·         لأ مش هقول لأ
·         لأ مليش حق استفتي أصلا
·         لأ مش هدَيك
·         لأ كنت بكلم أخويا معلش
·         لأ احنا مش بنقدر أهالينا
·         لأ مذاكرتش حاجة امبارح
·         لأ معنديش بلاك بيري والحمد لله
·         لأ مش عايزة أجيبه
·         لأ يا ماما متعمليش قلقااااس!!!!

·         نعم؟
·         نعم الله عليك
·         نعم بردو معناها آه ف
·         نعم انني أحب  الشوكولا
·         نعم لقد مللت من براعم التي هي شغالة 24 ساعة!!
·         نعم عندي اخوات  صغيرين.  بلاش تعرفوا كام
·         نعم نعمين
·         نعم نعيما
·         نعم لا أعرف لي بيقولوا نعيما لحد لسة حالق أو مستحمي
·         نعم أنا مصرية!

Rahma Fateen

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

الحاجات الصغيرة.

عارفين النكتة بتاعت الواحد اللي قعد يجري ورا راجل يسألو انت صيني؟ يقوللو لأ. يقوللو طب أمك صينية؟ يقوللو لأ. يقوللو طب أبوك صيني؟ يقوللو لأ. يقوللو طب جدك صيني؟ يقوللو لأ. فالراجل يزهأ منه ولما يسألو طب جدتك صينية, يروح يقوللو اه. يروح يقوللو طب عينك مش صغيرة ليه.
مش بقولوكو كدة علشان تضحكو, هي أصلا سخيفة أنا عارفة. أنا بس لفتت انتباهي لما حصل معايا نفس الموقف.
حطيت حنة في شعري, وكل ما أعدي جنب بابايا أسألو شعري أحمر؟ يقوللي لأ. أعدي تاني أسألو شعري أحمر؟ يقوللي لأ. وكل مل أعدي أسألو شعري أحمر؟ يقوللي لأ. لحد لما زهأ راح قايللي اه.
أنا عارفة ان شعري مش أحمر, وهو رد عليا مليون مرة. بس اتبسطت لما قاللي اه في الاخر مع انها واضحة انه بيقول كدة وخلاص.
أي حاجة بتتقاللك حتى لو صغيرة, حتى لو تافهة حتى لو واضح انها مش الحقيقة, ممكن تبسطك, وساعات بتغير حياة ناس. أي كلمة صغيرة بتتقال, ممكن تسيب أثر في حياتنا للأبد.
أنا مرة كنت متعورة في صباعي عادي جدا, لقيت واحدة معرفهاش ولا عمري اتكلمت معاها ولا أخذت بالي انها عايشة أصلا, كانت بتصلي جنبي, فبعد الصلاة سألتني مال صباعك؟ اتبسطت جداا, متتخيلوش قد ايه. متعورة في صباعي دي حاجة تافهة جدا, وهي قالت كدة علشان تفرحني, مش علشان تتعرف عليا أو حاجة. مشفتهاش تاني بعدها, بس لغاية دلوقتي فاكرة الموقف ده وكل ما بفتكرو ببتسم.
ليه منعملش كدة مع كل الناس؟ أي حاجة صغيرة.
مرة كدة من نفسك جيب شوكولاتة لأخوك الصغير وانتا جي, ومش هتصدق مدى سعادته هتبقى قد ايه. انت نفسك هتتبسط. هتحس انك أثرت في حد حتى لو بس خليتو يبتسم.
الحاجات الصغيرة دي صدقوني بتقعد للأبد.
اعزم والدك على العشاء مرة.
جيبي لأختك هدية بدون سبب.
اسأل علي حد بقالك كتير مشفتهوش.
كلم حد من أقاربك أسأل عليه.
اضحك في وش حد بيبصلك كتير.

لو اتعودنا نعمل حاجات كتير زي دي, حياتنا كلها ممكن تتغير.

Rahma Fateen

Saturday, December 8, 2012

الناس كلها

كلمة بتستفزني أوي. كل ما اجي أقول لحد انت بتعمل كدة ليه, يقولي: "أصل الناس كلها بتعمل كدة". 

أنا بصراحة مش فاهمة مين "الناس كلها" اللي عنده دول, لأن أنا لما ببص حوالي ساعتها مش بلاقي حد بيعمل زيو أصلا! 

بس لازم كلنا نعترف ان في على الأقل حاجة بنعملها مش مقتنعين بيها بس بنعملها علشان "الناس كلها" 

يعني مثلا: كل ما نيجي نقابل حد, نقعد نقول "ازيك؟" وهو يقول "الحمد لله". وبعدين تقول "عامل اية؟". بردو يقولك "الحمد لله" حتي لو هو حالته صعبة. وانت عارف انو بيقول كدة وخلاص. هي حاجة احنا متعودين عليها, مش بقول انها حاجة وحشة, بس ايه السبب وراها؟ أنا عارف اني لما هسأله هيقولي "الحمد لله" طب بسأل ليه من الأول؟؟! "علشان الناس كلها بتعمل كدة" 

أو يمكن دي عادات وتقاليد. بس العادات والتقاليد دي حاجة بردو "الناس كلها" بتعملها. والا مكانتش هتبقى عادات وتقاليد!! 

احنا ليه بقا بنعمل كدة؟ مش علشان الناس كلها, علشان لو حد عمل حاجة مختلفة هنستغربه, وهناخد عنه فكرة انو مش طبيعي. وطبيعي دي تقاس علي الحاجات اللي "الناس كلها بتعملها". 

حتى لو حد عمل حاجة مختلفة, هتعجب حد, هيبدأ يعملها, حد تاني تعجبه, يعملها, وكللو يبدأ يعملها لحد ما تكون هي كمان حاجة "الناس كلها بتعملها" و هكذا. 
مش عارفة ليه الناس عندها عقدة من الناس!! مفروض كل واحد يخليه في نفسه و ملوش دعوة غيره بيعمل ايه. كدة محدش هيخاف انو يعمل حاجة غير اللي "الناس كلها بتعملها", وكل واحد هيبان على حقيقته. هتريح أوي. 

نفسي كدة أكلم حد في التليفون, يقوللي حاجة غير "ازيك". حاجة تانية. أي حاجة. مختلفة. غير اللي "الناس كلها بتقولها". 

Rahma Fateen

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The world is not identical

Let me get directly into the point. No one is exactly like you. No one has the exact some eyes. No one has the exact same nose. No one has the exact same mouth. No one has the exact same hair. We all agree upon that. People might look alike, but never exactly the same.

What I want to say, is that you will never find someone with your exact same character, either. You might be in common in some interests or thoughts, but if you're similar in something, you must be different in another.
My friend and I both love reading, but she hates mango and she can't even stand the smell of it, while I totally love it, and it's one of my favorite fruits! It's just an example. I only mean that whatever you find in common with someone, you'll find a difference as well. That's the rule of life. And it is an important thing, though. That way we complete each other. It was never bad, only depending on the way we handle it.

You're on a train, you heard two people talking about politics, for example. One of them was a huge pro-something you hate. He was very supporting. You automatically judged him and thought how bad he thinks and criticized everything he said. You got off the train, into your office and surprise! The man you just judged will be working with you the following months. You hate the thought of it and start taking a side from him. Later on, you discover how brilliant he is and how good he does his work. You suddenly like him and appreciate him way of thinking. Ironic.

People say different things, wear different clothes, talk differently and think differently, but that's the good thing about it! It would suck if all the people are you were you. Same clothes, same way of talking, walking, same facial expressions. It's creepy, right?

But, we should NOT judge people by their differences. You might think someone is bad in something. The something you hate in them is the bad thing, not the whole of them. Who are you to judge if someone is bad or good, anyway?

Rahma Fateen

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

البراد الكهربائي

.تحذير: لو هتبدأ تقرأ, كمل للاخر , ومتحكمش قبل ما تخلص*

لما بنركز في البراد الكهربائي واحنا بنعمل الشاي, هنلاقيها عبارة عن ايه؟

شويةمية قاعدة بتسخن, تسخن, تسخن, بس قبل ما تفرقع, البراد بيفصل.

لما بيفصل, بنستفيد بالمية السخنة اللي فيه, ونعمل شاي, قهوة, هوت شوكولايت, اي حاجة حلوة.

في حالة ثانية بقة, لما بيكون البراد فيه عيب, ممكن لما المية تقعد تسخن, البراد يفرقع.

البراد اللي فيه العيب دة, ممكن يتصلح ونستفيد بيه, أو يكون عيبه كبير أوي انو يتصلح.

البنى آدمين نفس الحاجة, المواقف اللي بنعملها مع الناس هي زي البراد, واحنا زي الميه. يعني لما بتعمل مواقف مع شخص, بتفضل تسخن. تسخن, تسخن, ياأما هتفرقع, والشخص دة هيكرهك و هيشتم اليوم اللي قابلك فيه, أو لو عجبته (هو مش شايف فيك عيب يكرهو فيك), هيعمل منك حاجة حلوة, زي الشاي أو القهوة, وممكن تبقى مشروبه المفضل, هيفضل يشرب فيك, ويقدمك للناس.

اللي أنا عايزة أطلع بيه, ان احنا لازم نحاول نوري الناس ان مش كل حاجة فينا عيوب. عارفة ناس هتفهمني غلط وهتقول ان احنا كدة هنكون (fake), أنا مش قصدي نخبي عليهم, أنا قصدي, نبينلهم حقيقتنا ونعاملهم زي كل الناس على طريقتنا عادي خالص. بس انت مثلا في موقف مع شخص, بينت عيب, معجبوش, لازم هتغيرها, هتصلحها قبل ما العيب يكبر زي العيب اللي في البراد, وتكون السبب في فرقعة البراد بتاعك مع الشخص ده. يعني نهايتكم.

بردو ناس هتقولي ما احنا كدة بنرضي الناس. اه احنا بنرضي الناس, بس مش لما الناس بترضى عليك, انت برضو بترضى؟ يعني من الاخر كدة دة أحسن لك.              

انما لو الشخص شايف ان كل حاجة فيك عيوب, يبقى دي حاجة ثانية بأة. زي واحد مش عاجبه موديل البراد, عادي جدا. هتلاقي غيره هيعجبك, والدنيا هتعدي...                                                                                                                                        

Rahma Fateen

Thursday, November 29, 2012

From: The Exemplar Beyond Compare

"If you are wealthy, then ponder on the humbleness and generosity of that Great Prophet who reigned sovereign over entire Arabia and won over the hearts of every Arab notable through love...

If you are among the weak, then take reference from the Prophet's life in Mecca under the rule of the horribly oppressive idolaters...

If you are triumphant, reflect on the Prophet of courage and submission who routed the enemy at the battles of Badr and Hunayn...

But, Allah forbid, should you become defeated, then remember the Prophet walking patiently and courageously amid his wounded and martyred Companions at the field of Uhud, having completely yielded to Divine Will...

And if you are a teacher, just think of the delicate, sensitive and affectionate Prophet conveying the pearls of his heart to the Students of Suffa by the Masjid'un-Nabawai...

If you are a student, picture the Prophet sitting before Jibril صلى الله عليه وسلم at the moment of Revelation, cautious and motivated, filled with respect.

If you are a preacher, a counselor calling to the good, then give ear to the pleasant voice of the Prophet flashing sparks of wisdom from his heart to his Companions at the Masjid...

If you are left without aid in you want to protect and communicated the Truth and elevate it, then take a look at the life of the Prophet who proclaimed the Truth to the ignorant and called them onto guidance at a time when he was deprived of all aid in Mecca...

If you have broken the resistance of the enemy, leaving them incapacitated, and devastated evil to proclaim the Truth, then bring before your eyes the sight of the Prophet, on the day of the Conquest, humbly and thankfully entering the sacred turf of Mecca, on camelback as if to fall prostrate, despite being a victorious commander...

If you own a farm and want to put things on track, then draw a lesson from the Prophet of competence who appointed the most able to revive and administer, in the best possible way, the lands of Banu Nadir, Khaybar and Fadak after seizing possession of them...

If you are lonely, then reflect on the son of Abdullah and Aminah, their dearly loved orphan of innocence...

If you are a teenager, closely consider the life of the youth, the future prophet, shepherding the shock of Abu Talid at Mecca...

If you are a trader set out with caravan loads of goods, ponder the integrity of the grandest man of the convoys destined for Yemen and Damascus...

If you are a judge, recall his just and prudential move in intervening to replace the Black Stone at the verge of Meccan notables going at each others' throats...

Then turn your glance once more to history and take a look at the Prophet in Medina at the Masjid'un-Nabawi delivering his verdict with the greatest conceivable justice between the poverty stricken destitute and well to do rich, as just as one can imagine.

If you are a spouse consider the deep emotions and compassion of the Blessed Husband of Khadijah and Aisha...

If you are have children then learn the affectionate conduct of the father of Fatimah, the grandfather of Hasan and Husayn...

Whoever you may be and in whichever circumstance you may find yourself in, you will find Muhammed Mustafa صلى الله عليه وسلم as the most perfect mast and most beautiful guide at all times and places."
Rahma Fateen

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Dear readers,

I am really glad that you manage to read all my rantings, but I just wanna ask for a favor? Please tell me what you think. Your comments and thoughts really mean to me. I want feedback. Either by commenting, or contacting me: That makes me know if you like it and I should go on or not, plus all the things you didn't like so I can change in the next posts.

It will be appreciated.
oh, and English readers, sorry about the last post, I just felt like you know, I'm Egyptian and stuff I should write in Arabic too. You'll find many of these in the future Insha'Allah. Please don't stop reading my blog though, I'll still be posting in English!

Lots of love,
Rahma Fateen


أكل أبيض اللون, مصنوع من اللبن ويصنع منه زبادي, جبنة وغيره كثير. يمكن أن يوضع علي الفطير, على التشيز كيك والفراخ. في ستات فاكرة انو بينعم البشرة وبيحطو على وشهم.

أنما بأة المصريين زودوا من فوائده وحاطو التاتش بتاعهم, بقينا نستعمل "قشطة" على أساس انها كلمة زي "أوكي" مثلا أو حاجة
"تيجي نروح النادي؟"
"اه قشطة أنا مش ورايا حاجة"
زي ما بنكون  بنقول :"اه مربى أنا مش ورايا حاجة"

نفكر مع بعض قشطة دي جت ازاي.
واحد كان جعان لأه واحد بيقولوا تيجي نروح النادي, راح اتلخبط وقاللو قشطة بدل ماشي. عجبت صاحبو راح بدأ يقولها بدل ماشي, والظاهر ان صاحبه ده مشهور ومحبوب والناس بتحب تقلده, فبدأو يقولوها بردو.
لحد ما بقت كلمة علي لسان كل شباب مصر. قشطة. عجبي.

بس اللي منرفزني أوي, ليه قشطة؟ ليه مش شوكولاته مثلا؟ دي حتى طعمها أحلى!!
Rahma Fateen

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Not boring

Look around you, and think. Concentrate on every small thing you can see. People's faces. Every single person since Adam till the newest born child has their own unique, beautiful look. SubhanAllah, I was talking with a friend about it earlier, you can't think of several different ways to design cake for example, it will take you so much time and they wont look so good. Even if you've got the talent, you'll run out of ideas sooner or later and you'll get ideas from what you can see, which has been created.

In boring classes like Biology, for instance, think. Think how every small part of a part of a part of a cell has an important role and isn't there just to fill space! Think how all our body systems depend on each other, and if, for example, your heart just decided not to pump blood, you'd die!
You're about to get hit by a car, your eyes see it, and send to your brain that it is dangerous and your brain sends to your feet to run away and to your vocal cords to scream all in less than a second!
Just look at mosquitoes, though so small and annoying, I think they are one of the greatest creations ever! They're too tiny to be seen but they are so clever. Their bodies are complicated and full of surprises you'll never believe!
Take your time and admire the eyes. Our eyes are very sophisticated obstacle instruments, literally. I really enjoy observing eyes. The way they move whenever you want them to, in any direction. They look so beautiful, and the eyelashes and eyebrows matching your eye-color and your other facial details. Everyone has a different nose shape that looks perfect in their faces. It's really charming!
In Geography, weather isn't just something for a change, it changes for at least one type of plant to survive. Ah, and the way every creature is adapted to live in its own environment and face its problems by itself. The way the sky is held in place. The reasons why we don't live on Jupiter. The way we grow without our control. The way forgetting things turned out to be a blessing in disguise! All of these things weren't just there by chance. Someone is behind this all. And someone Great, Genius, Perfect, cannot be described.

I believe strongly that everything around us was created to make us think. To make us think of Allah. How much He loves us. How many times we make the same mistake and He is the one who is calling us to fix it. How many bad things we do but still He gives us second, third, million chances, all for us! Allah wants our happiness. He wants us to enter heaven. Talking about heaven all alone will need million pages! The way Allah gives us what we ask for, in life willing that we will do good things and turn back to Him, and even if we don't get what we want, it's always the best for us because He decided it. He knows best. He loves us so much but we just don't feel it, we don't think about it. We only think of ourselves, though if we thought about it well, we'd understand that our best would be obeying Allah because our lives are going to end one day, and the way we'll spend our infinite life, depends on our actions. I'm writing this and I know that once I finish, I'll do something wrong whatever it is. But i'm just saying that that we should think all the time. We should remember that there is a God who loves us more than we love ourselves, who cares for us more than we care for ourselves, who is there for us when we're lost and we can't find ourselves. I always feel ashamed of myself that way. That i'm not thanking God enough for all what He gave me, but still Allah doesn't need it, we do. Allah isn't waiting for us to thank Him, He only wants us to be good and to worship Him. That's the only thing He asked for. He's even helping us by sending us Ramadan and all the gifts and thawab. The simplest thing is that a good deed is written as 10 and the bad deed is only written as one after leaving us 6 hours to think whether or not to fix it.
The more I think about it, the more I hate Satan. He wants everything bad to happen to us, he doesn't want us to be happy or to obey God at all. I hate myself too.

See? See how Great and Merciful and Forgiving and all the 99 names much Allah is? It is a really helpful way of changing yourself tbh, thinking. I swear I'm starting to become someone else ever since I started thinking about it. It's the first time I really feel that I have a purpose in life. I really hope I go on this way and improve.

I hope you guys got what I mean. May God guide us all and grant us Jannah, Insha'Allah. Ameen.

Rahma Fateen

Saturday, November 3, 2012


In addition to my previous post, and inspired by The Reckless and The Brave song by All Time Low, I wrote this piece:

Today, every bad thing is good
people's minds made of wood
not knowing what they should
do and what not.

I'm like a fish out of water
with everyone trying to fit in
but I still don't bother,
I look at them and grin
Trying hard till the last breath
like puppets being played with,
they don't think on their own
cheaper than yellow sand,
doing anything to fit in,
anything to fit in.

The world's vicious
the world's mad,
to fit in, they give up,
everything they HAD
not even clad...
cuz they do anything, anything to fit in.

Rahma Fateen

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Kate Entry: Life's inordinate ability of blindfolding

Spending most of the time watching people go and come inside and outside her life, and observing the reasons behind it in silence, made her understand a lot about life. She saw the innocent, the pure, the phenomenal and the virtuous become blindfolded by life to change. To become the way PEOPLE want them to be, no the right thing or what they want to become. How easily a prodigious desire of gaining something can change one's morals and traditions. How easily the will to fit in; whether knowing if its good or bad, can change a person from top to bottom!
That's the role of life, I told her. To cover up everyone's eyes by things they think will bring them happiness, to attract them greatly to it,to make them believe that without it, they don't need to live, to make them forget their real role in life. Mainly, to make them only think of their present happiness, not their future, not their second life.

Their second life,the thing everyone forgets about. Besides forgetting that Allah is watching us 24/7, besides forgetting why they were even created!
They're concentrating like never before on what they find joy and amusement in. Not thinking about others, or the fate they'll get in to when they do so. I'll have to tell her first, and everyone else out there, life is playing it and playing it hard, you either wake up and fight for whats right, whether the consequences, with the Prophet PBUH saying.  '' طوبى للغرباءOr, just forget about any hope for the greater happiness once you die.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Part 2: In those green eyes

Do people actually think about what they say before they do? And if not, do they at least think about it afterwards?
I believe that words can be the most powerful way to express ones feelings. It's either chosen carefully or it can change other people's feelings as well. It can be written or spoken. It can bring a smile or a tear. It can break a heart or fill it.

When I speak to Kate, it's like she's the other voice in my head that tells me to do something or not to. She's like my private adviser that knows whats going through my head without me having to choose the words to describe it; the way I have to do with everyone else. Sometimes I don't even have to open my mouth, I just imagine her beside me in a silent conversation. (also not to make people think that I talk to myself in public) I can perfectly see her through my big green eyes (one that was bruised got smaller than the other).

In those green eyes, I could see the perfect girl I've been always looking for. I could see her smiling at me for confidence whenever I'm nervous or insecure. I could see her glaring at me whenever I'm about to do something wrong, and if I still do it, I could hear her whispering to me to stop it. I could see her in disguise of everything I need at any moment. I could feel her soft skin close to mine whenever I need someone beside me. Her life parallels mine. Literally. Kate made me mature in ways that really changed my life.

In those green eyes, I could see that not everyone could be trusted (which was one main reason why I imagine Kate). I could see that not everything that looked good from outside, was good from the inside. I could see that judging was bad, insulting was bad and telling rumors about people that weren't even true was bad.
I understood many things from Kate and I really wish I keep imagining her till its said that Rahma is the grandma that talks to herself all day long. Kate represents me, my family, my friends and even strangers.

To everyone who took this personaly, imagination is something everyone has the right to do. I did not point out someone in specific, I was speaking in general. BUT, if the shoe fits you, feel free to wear it. :)

Lots of love,
Rahma Fateen

Monday, September 24, 2012

Imagination is my limit -Part One

Her name is Rahma Seif Fateen 2. She is tall and her friends say she's slim , though she doesn't believe it, but  she doesn't bother to lose weight because she likes food so much. Chocolate is her favorite food, shes kinda addicted. She's pretty good at most sports, but still not really athletic. One 15-minute-run and she wouldn't be able to move for a week (that's exaggerating of course).
She has this one friend, who she actually lives for, her name is Rahma Seif Fateen 1. Which is me.
Hey! Now that you know my friend, I actually call her Kate, my favorite name. Don't get surprised, I'm not insane, I'm totally, perfectly, mentally alright. Kate is my imaginary friend, who I am dedicated to.

What brought me to this (not that its bad) is my latest discovery. People are bad. They're evil. Selfish. No one cares for you as much as you care for yourself. Kate is me, myself and I. She lives inside me. She's everywhere I am.
I've been through many situations in my life that proved that I'm right. Times when I was miserable, no one to cheer me up. Times when I was hopeless, no one to show me light. Times when I was broken, no one to heal me. Times when I wished that I didn't exist and there was no one to ask about me.
People who I thought they cared for me, and who I thought they loved me, weren't always there for me. Some betrayed me, some simply sold me, some tried to make me jealous, to break me, others who weren't even bothering to think about me.
Lots of people came in and out of my life. Either changing me, or passing by like cold wind, only leaving some memories. But at the end, the only thing that remained was me, my feelings and my thoughts, so lonely and weak.

Only recently had I decided that I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to share everything with someone, I had to show my feelings and not keep it inside me which always caused me pain and sorrow.
That was when I decided I needed Kate. I needed her desperately.

                                                                                               -- Continued.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Liebster Award!

Romaisa  is the lovliest thing ever. She gave me this award too ^_^
I thank her dearly :)
ahhahaha yay thank you Romi <3 nbsp="nbsp">

The rules:

  • When tagged state 11 facts about yourself,
  • Then answer the 11 questions from the blogger that tagged you,
  • Then choose your own 11 questions and tag someone who has under 200 followers and who you would like to get to know better.
The facts:

  • I like math.
  • I judge (don't judge)
  • I got my eye bruised by my friend's head (yeah she was a nerd)
  • I never got any bone broken (alhamdulillah)
  • I'm writing too many brackets (if you haven't noticed)
  • I just made myself an imaginary friend.
  • I want to learn German.
  • I get headaches too much
  • I think i'm brave, but i'm not. (but believe in yourself heh? ;))
  • I once said that 'dog' was a bad word in class and they all laughed at me :(
  • I am currently writing the 11th fact :P

  • Romaisa's questions:
    1. What is one of your pet peeves?
    When people eat with their mouths open.

    2. What age do you turn on your next birthday?

    3. What is your favourite type of food? (E.g. Indian, Turkish, American, etc)

    4. Have you ever tried pink lemonade?
    no. Do you recommend it? :)

    5. What celebrations do you celebrate in the year? (E.g. Eid, Christmas, Birthdays, etc)
    Eid and birthdays :)

    6. Do you make YT videos? If you're not do you plan to?
    No and no.

    7. Which YouTubers do you watch?

    8. Are you vegetarian or do you have any specific 'food rules/regualtions'?
    I'm chocolatarian.

    9. What languages do you speak?
    Arabic and English

    10. Are you organised?

    11. What's your favourite subject?

    My questions:

    1. What do you do in your free time?
    2. Do you like little kids?
    3. What is your greatest goal?
    4. Whats the most country you want to visit?
    5. When you're angry, what do you do?
    6. Forgive or Forget?
    7. Food or Friends?
    8. Do you mostly hate, or love?
    9. How many siblings do you have?
    10. What do you wanna be when you grow up?
    11. What are you wearing right now?
    The blogs I tag:

    Lots of love. x

    Rahma Fateen

    Wednesday, September 5, 2012

    Hey lovlies

    Hey hey heyy!!
    You missed me right?  Haha, I knoww :p

    Anyway, so I last posted in Ramadan and guess what, after Ramadan was Eid!! So cool right? lol
    Eid was no big difference from the previous ones tbh, and we had not so much time afterwards before we started school.
    In the last week of vacation aka freedom, I had a sleepover with my two best friends, anD WE DID A HARRY POTTER MARATHON.

    and we did this awesome piece of art:

    Again I'll mention that I diDN'T SEE THE BEACH THIS SUMMMERRR :((((( I'm not really happy, but I'm going on.

    So I started school three days ago, and I'm having Wednesdays off, but we're going on Saturdays, like my sister last year.
    Grade 9 is so different from grade 8, I actually do feel the difference though I was in the same system but only a year younger. Imagine how the students from the national system will feel if they come to grade 9 straight away. I mean, it is totally different!! All the teachers are new, and they're so strict. Like last year we were so spoiled, in English we watched a movie a week or something like that lol and our grades were soooo bad, like some boy in my class got -0.1 from 6!! Another thing, we move classrooms, like we don't spend the whole day in one classroom you know, its kinda cool. All my classmates grew, I can feel the difference, and most of the time they're concentrating (which isn't something normal to my class) it's either cuz its the beginning of the year, or cuz they really wanna learn, I dunno.
    We've got a Syrian new girl in our class, she soooo cute and I LOVE her accent!! If I stick to her too much I might as well change my accent lol.

    I just felt that my blog needed to be updated so yeah hehe.
    oh, and I changed my tumblr url fyi. Cuz someone told me that its called chococloud and it had only one chocolate cake lol so I changed it to this It's kinda long I know haha, but it consists of what my blog really consists of :D
    Whaddya think of adding gifs? I think its epic dontcha?

    See you! x
    Rahma Fateen

    Sunday, July 29, 2012

    100 Questions tag.

    Hey guys!
    I thought I wouldn't be on here a lot in Ramadan, but yay I manage to find time everyday Alhamdulilah!

    This thing, Romaisa is torturing me! Seriously, onehundred? Onewholehundred? Oh god! Haha romaisa, don't think i'm mad or something, its an excuse to make to blog actually, so thanks :)

    Here are the questions (I don't really like them, but whatevs):

    1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
    Closed closed closed!

    2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
    Yeah, it doesn't count as stealing, does it?

    3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
    I never noticed actually e_e

    4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
    We don't even have proper signs here in Egypt.

    5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
    Yeah, I like cutting them.

    6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?

    7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
    A big bear

    8. Do you have freckles?
    No :(

    9. Do you always smile for pictures?
    I like making faces though

    10. What is your biggest pet peeve?

    11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
    No, thats crazy!

    12. Have you ever peed in the woods?
    I think I did.. :$

    13. What about pooped in the woods?
    eww! 'Course not!

    14. Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?

    15. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
    Only when I'm nervous and I have no nails to chew.

    16. How many people have you slept with this week?

    17. What size is your bed?
    Ask Mom

    18. What is your Song of the week?

    19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
    Everyone's free to do whatever they want

    20. Do you still watch cartoons?

    21. Whats your least favorite movie?

    22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
    If I didn't spend/use it all

    23. What do you drink with dinner?

    24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?

    25. What is your favorite food?

    26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
    any movie I like :p

    27. Last person you kissed/kissed you?
    my little bro

    28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
    Yeah!! Good times, good times

    29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?

    30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
    I have a very bad memory

    31. Can you change the oil on a car?
    No, but I don't think its really hard

    32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
    I don't driveee :(

    33. Ran out of gas?
    Read question 32

    34. Favorite kind of sandwich?

    35. Best thing to eat for breakfast?

    36. What is your usual bedtime?
    11:00 pm

    37. Are you lazy?

    38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?

    39. What is your Chinese astrological sign?

    40. How many languages can you speak?

    41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
    I have to subscribe to my sister's magazine so

    42..Which are better legos or lincoln logs?

    43. Are you stubborn?
    Am I?

    44. Who is better...Leno or Letterman?


    45. Ever watch soap operas?
    whats that

    46. Afraid of heights?

    47. Sing in the car?
    If i'm alone, yeah

    48. Dance in the shower?

    49. Dance in the car?
    I just move to the right and left

    50. Ever used a gun?
    Those plastic ones, yeah

    51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
    Last year

    52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?

    53. Is Christmas stressful?

    54. Ever eat a pierogi?

    55. Favorite type of fruit pie?

    56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?

    57. Do you believe in ghosts?After I watch horror movies only

    58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?

    59. Take a vitamin daily?

    60. Wear slippers?
    If you believe that my name is Sam, you'll believe that I wear slippers

    61. Wear a bath robe?
    when no one's around and I forgot something

    62. What do you wear to bed?

    63. First concert?
    Toyor Aljannah (A)

    64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?

    65. Nike or Adidas?

    66.Cheetos Or Fritos?

    67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

    68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?

    69. Ever take dance lessons?
    I hate dancing

    70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?

    71. Can you curl your tongue?

    72. Ever won a spelling bee?

    73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
    I was about to one time

    74. Own any record albums?

    75. Own a record player?
    noo :(

    76. Regularly burn incense?
    yes I love it!

    77. Ever been in love?

    78. Who would you like to see in concert?
    too much man, too much.

    79. What was the last concert you saw?
    Toyor Aljannah

    80. Hot tea or cold tea?

    81. Tea or coffee?

    82. Sugar or snickerdoodles?

    83. Can you swim well?

    84.Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?

    85. Are you patient?
    no!no no no

    86. DJ or band, at a wedding?

    87.Ever won a contest?
    i think i did.

    88. Ever have plastic surgery?

    89. Which are better black or green olives?
    dunno. both are great

    90.Can you knit or crochet?
    yeah both!

    91. Best room for a fireplace?
    living room

    92. Do you want to get married?

    93. If married, how long have you been married?

    94. Who was your HS crush?
    I'm still in middle school

    95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?

    96. Do you have kids?

    97. Do you want kids?
    I want twins (boys)

    98. Whats your favorite color?
    Neon greeenn

    99. Do you miss anyone right now?
    yeah :(

    100. Did you watch, Next Great American Band on FOX?

    Rahma Fateen

    Thursday, July 19, 2012

    Making the Best in Ramadan

    The Holy month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for all believers to reestablish their relationship with Almighty Allah . During this month, Allah opens the doors of guidance, mercy, and forgiveness and showers His blessings on mankind. Blessed are those who avail this opportunity and work hard to obtain the pleasure of Allah .

    Following are some points to remember that may help us have a better Ramadan:
    Sahoor: Rasulullah said, “Allah sends blessings on those who eat Sahoor (meal before Fajr) and the angels pray for them.” (Ibn Habban) We should never miss Sahoor as it is blessed food and a Sunnah of the Prophet .
    Salat Al-Taraweeh: Perform twenty raka’ah of Taraweeh every night.
    Salat Al-Tahajud: Other than Taraweeh, perform some raka’ah of Tahajud prayer.
    Dua: After Tahajud, spend some time making Dua for yourself, your family, the community, and the whole Muslim Ummah. This is extremely needed and very few do it. Every person in the family should engage in Dua and prayers in the darkness of the night and in isolation. Cry before Allah for forgiveness and for all of your needs.
    Crying and begging to Allah attracts His Mercy. Rasulullah encouraged his followers to cry when making Dua.
    Salah in the Masjid: Try your best to perform every Salah in the Masjid with congregation (jama’ah)
    Perform the additional following ibadah:
    1. Recite Istighfaar 100 times a day (i.e. Astaghfirallah)
    2. Send blessing on Rasulullah 100 times a day
    3. Tasbeehaat 100 times a day (i.e. Subhanallah Wal-Hamdulillah wala Illaha Illallah Wallahu Akbar)
    4. Recite at least one Juz of the Qur’an every day
    Avoid all kinds of sins: Rasulullah said, “Many of those who fast get nothing out of it except hunger” (Nasa’ee) Advising his wife, once Rasulullah said, “O Aishah, refrain from even the minor sins because Allah will question you about them also.” (Ibn Majah)
    Do not become angry: Avoid all quarrels, fights, and arguments which may lead you to anger.
    Use only Halal food bought by Halal earnings. Avoid all doubtful items.
    Reduce the amount of:
    1. Eating
    2. Sleeping
    3. Talking
    Unfortunately, it is very common in many Masajid to sit and chat after iftaar. This time should be used for Nawafil prayers, recitation of the Holy Qur’an, Tasbeeh, and Dua. Masjid is the House of Allah . It must be given its due respect. Disrespecting the house of Allah is disrespect to Allah .
    Raising the voice or talking of worldly matters in the Masjid is forbidden. It is the responsibility of every Muslim to maintain the order, silence, respect, and cleanliness in the Masjid.
    May Allah bless and guide all of us.
    Rahma Fateen
    and whaddya think of my new theme? :D Menna made it for me :D
    Thank you Menna! hehe

    If you follow me on twitter you'll be updated with what happens more fast than on here. i'm even thinking about not posting anything personal on here, only useful things and stuff :) I'm still thinking about it though.

    New post soon!
    Rahma Fateen

    What has been going on lately

    As I promised! :D
    Lemme start from the beginning of the week, or maybe before

    Previous weeks:
    They were boring as hell, all I did, was go to my swimming practice, the club, and my grandparents house! The only good thing, is that my bestfriend came from Bahrain and I was kinda spending some time with her. Oh, and I used to read too! (the only fun thing)

    I'm reading the Lord Of The Rings series, (of course you heard of it) I read The Hobbit, and the first two. THEY'RE TOO AWESOME I TELL YOU.
    And now i'm in the last book, Return Of The Kings, it took me so long, cuz like everyday I'd have headaches, or sleep late and not have time to read and stuff, it sucks :( now I have to catch up with my friend who's in the LAST CHAPTER. Oh God :(

    I had practice. The swimming pool stuck! Seriously! They had a championship the day before and I guess they didn't clean the water, like ew. I stayed there one whole hour and I couldn't help it!
    After that, I went to the jaccuzi, it was so relaxing :) I went back home after that, ate dinner (its so cool swimming first thing in the morning, then coming back home for dinner) Mom and Dad weren't home, they had this orientation for two days, they came back on Wednesday (only yesterday) I was planning to do lotsa stuff, but THERE WAS NO ELECTRICITYY :(( it sucked! like all day long!! gosh. So, eventually, I did nothing all day long but talk to my friends in the phone to plan about the day after :D

    The day after (Tuesday):
    We made a surprise early (with only 2 days) birthday party for Soraya We made it early because her birthday was the first day in Ramadan, so like a big no!
    Ask me how it went :D
    I was soooo nervous all day long! and excitedd!! Thank God she didn't even guess about it at all! She was actually surprised, like once she saw us she screamed!
    It was so fun! I hope she liked it cuz we were trying our best to make her happy :)

    I think we'll be going to the beach in Ramadan, which will be a new experience, cuz dad just finished this course he was teaching today and he couldn't leave it, AND ACTUALLY I WONT BE ABLE TO WAIT ANY LONGERR!! I really hope we do though.

    This Ramadan, i'll try to make it different than all the previous ones, in many ways. Like all the things I was willing to do before but was too lazy or always forgot, i'll try to do them and my biggest goal actually is to LOSE WEIGHT. I'll try to have an one-hour walk everyday. Pray for me!

    More soon insha'allah! (thats if i'll be able to log on the computer in ramadan aslun)


    Rahma Fateen

    Wednesday, July 18, 2012

    Versatile Blogger Award *dances*

    Apologies, apologies. I'm very very veeeeeeerrrrryyyyy sorrrryyy. I know, everyday, I keep telling myself i'll blog today but I never do :( That's what laziness does to you.
    Even this award has been 14 days ago, but you know. I'm sorryyy e_e

    I got this award from Romaisa and I thank her sincerely <3

    The rules are to state seven unknown facts about yourself and then tag others.
    So here are my 7:
    1. I have swingy moods, it happens like almost weekly.
    2. The only coleslaw I like is KFC's, not even my mom's lol.
    Oh god, I don't like this :L i have to think of five more, yarab lol

    3. I don't read specific genres in books, I don't even think of what genre is the book i'm reading, I just read lol. Mostly recommendations.
    4. I wanted to learn guitar when I was younger, but I lost hope in convincing my dad so meh, yeah I no more think of it lol
    5. But now I wanna learn the drums, they're soo cooooolll!
    6. I watch too much cartoons
    7. I want to live on a star
    and THANK YOUUU. 
    I promise i'll fill you with how my life has been before Ramadan, inshaallah inshallah inshallah.
    Rahma Fateen

    Monday, June 11, 2012

    11 Question tag.

    I was tagged by Menna's blog to do this thing, it looks like fun, but the person who started this like haha, you have so much time? lol xD

    The rules:
    1. Each person must state 11 things about themselves.
    2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus the 11 facts about you.
    3. Choose 11 people and link them in your blog.
    4. Go to their page and tell them.
    5. No tag backs.
    6. You legitimately have to tag

    The 11 facts about me:
    *This is unfair, 'cause I've been dying to make the '50 facts about me' page and now I have to list another 11?! Excuse me! So mind me if you've seen these facts about me before.

    1. I don't drink any hot drinks, except hot chocolate of course! Ya'll know i'm addicted to chocolate don't have to repeat that! xD
    2. I act brave in front of insects, but when it comes to dealing with it, I become a scaredy cat! 
    3. I believe that practice makes perfect, but I want to be good now. Hehe, everyone does, right? :)
    4. I HATE HATE HATE HATE pink. Period.
    5. I like Ramadan's vibes ♥
    6. I didn't like reading before, but now I don't know what else to do other than reading. haha
    7. I've always wanted to own a dog, any type, I don't really know their types, so yeah hehe.
    8. I have a hate-hate-relationship with flip flops. xD
    9. I play all sorts of sports. (haha it rhymes!)
    10. If you haven't noticed, I write poems\songs.
    11. Last and not least, I'm a tomboy :D
    Finally! :o

    Le Menna's questions: (as you like to say it xD)
    1. What is one thing you'd like to change about the world? Hate. though, I hate alot, but yeah.
    2. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? A SNAKE!
    3. What are three things you'd get if you were stranded on an island? Lemme see, water, chocolate, internet.
    4. It's your last meal before you die, what are you going to eat? *evil grin* lol. You said a meal didn't you? Aha, so I'll count it a three-course meal. So, we have chicken soup and garlic bread for starters, Chinese chicken with white rice and grilled veggies for the main-course, and a huge chocolate cake for dessert :P
    5. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? All around the world.
    6. Choose only one electronic to own. iPad. I can make phone calls or what-so-ever on skype. :P
    7. Do you believe in horoscopes? No, but I like to know about my sign.
    8. Did you ever cry while reading a book? If yes, what book was it? Yeah!! In many, but my latest was in Lord of The Rings when Gandalf died :'(
    9. Would you rather spend life in jail or alone on an island? (jk thats too hard) Tell us about your most embarrassing moment *grins wickedly* Most embarrassing moment, when I totally forgot about myself and cried because of sth silly in class. :$ Ohh, that was embarrassing.
    10. Coke or Pepsi? lol Pepsi! Diet pepsi hehe.
    11. Why doesn't glue stick to le bottle?
    Are you kidding me?
     My questionss:
    1. When did you last shower?
    2. What is your best feature?
    3. What are you supposed to be doing aside from answering this question?
    4. If you could only paint your nails one color for the rest of the year, what would it be?
    5. Who are the people in your life who you could trust with ANYTHING?
    6. What do you do when you are upset?
    7. If you had to chose only one person to live with, who would it be?
    8. Why are you on blogger?
    9. Would you rather have a beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car?
    10. Name three things that are physically close to you.
    11. What is your favorite pizza topping?


    Have fun! x

    Rahma Fateen

    Monday, June 4, 2012

    Mood swings are dangerous.

    Yesterday was our last day at school. Like finally. Our school loves us so much dunno whats wrong with their lives omg.
    I haven't planned yet what I'll do in the summer, but at the moment, I wont be really doing what I wish to do because my parents are so busy to take me everywhere I want. I'll have to stick to little outings and home activities, or I shall find someone else to take me where ever.
    Insha'Allah after the period of busy-ness my parents are in, I am willing to go to the gym EVERDAY. yes, this summer really really I have to stick to that, 'cause last year I kept saying so and I didn't even go except like three times a month, like whaaat? xD
    I'm also planning to go swimming often, because swimming is the best way to lose weight fast and I haven't really learned swimming well, so yeah.
    I want this summer to be productive as much as I can, I don't want it to be boring, 'cause next year I'll be in grade 9 and studying and stuff, so I have to have the most fun possible.
    Oh, did I not tell you that I cannot really believe that I wont be going to school anymore? Like three or even four whole months without going to school, its kinda weird thing. It's not that I love school and stuff, but it was kinda fun. My crazy class, my lovely friends and my know-it-all teachers, it's something i'll really miss!

    About the title, I hate to accept the fact that its true. It's something really bad in me, my bad moods are really dangerous. I can be fun and happy then suddenly, someone does something annoying that isn't even worth getting mad, and I get mad and ruin my day and everyone else's mood. I hate it, and I need to change that, but I can't! I did it several times and it was the reason of my many fights with my friends. I feel childish when I do so, but I can't even control it. Sometimes I feel that I get crazy in some times when I do so, but I dunnoo its not nice.
    And as my title says, mood swings ARE dangerous!

    Rahma Fateen

    Thursday, May 31, 2012

    Because I haven't been on this for ages.

    First of all what do you think of my new design?
    My lovely sister made it for me. ♥ :)

    So, my last post was before my checkpoint exams which was like nearly a month ago. wow! time passes so fast! And i'm really sorry for not updating you earlier. I did pretty well Alhamdulillah.
    Here is some news: our amazing *sarcasm* school decided to examine us again in all the subjects. I actually don't know the reason, but they tell us it's something beneficial for us, which is probably not true.
    So anyways, I decided either way i'm not gonna open any books again and stuff, and I just came from our third exam. I have only one more left, and I'm doing good, I mean I didn't really forget everything haha! So that's good. :D

    Lately, nothing really is happening. Only that its almost summer and I still haven't planned anything and i'm afraid this summer may be boring. I don't want that. I have to plan what I'm gonna do. You can help me?

    At the time being, I'm trying to please myself and my parents as much as I can. I've also been writing songs\poems which can really change my mood and make me feel more relaxed, so I think I'll stick to that. Fake friends are everywhere and I don't always have someone to talk to, so that may be a solution.

    I'll try to update you regularly, but the problem is that twitter and tumblr are so taking my time. I'll change this, I promise, insha'Allah.

    Love you all!
    Salams. x
    Rahma Fateen

    Monday, April 16, 2012

    Butterflies in the stomach.

    Wish me luck! x

    You know that feeling before exams when you're all so nervous that you
    force your poor self to study? I've never been nervous before any exam
    I've ever had in my whole life, and I don't know whats wrong with me.

    I discovered that my way of getting nervous is really weird. Like
    yesterday, I had an awful headache, but I forced myself to study
    anyway, then I found my self asleep on my desk, so I went to sleep in
    my bed, it was only 4:00 pm but my headache was awful. I couldn't
    really sleep, so I got up and washed my face and tried to sleep again,
    but only this time, I started dreaming of Math questions! I make up
    questions and answer them in the dream! I still remember some of them
    and I tell you, they're pretty good. But omg. I call that a nightmare.
    I couldn't sleep any more, so I woke up and managed some hours
    fighting the headache. But still I didn't study. I couldn't help it,
    the words were swimming in the paper and my head was ringing, I
    couldn't continue, I went to sleep again, but of course, because I
    slept too much -- only I can't count that as proper sleep-- I couldn't
    sleep, I spent two hours -I guess- changing my pose but no sleep would
    come. Finally, I slept.

    I woke up the next morning with the same headache but only weaker, and
    I looked at the clock. Omg. 6:00 am! Why the hell am I awake at this
    time? Too early. I put my head back on the pillow, but I couldn't
    sleep. I grabbed a book and started reading. Maybe that would make me
    tired and I could sleep afterwards, I thought. But no :\ The odds were
    not in my favor, I'll have to survive the day -studying- with that
    headache and so little sleep.

    Its Easter omg! My father travelled yesterday, and my exams are four
    days away, so you're free to say that this Easter is the worst. :)

    Best wishes. xx

    Rahma Fateen